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Learn the proven method to shatter stubborn blocks and

Develop Your Internal COMPASS

Learn the EXACT method to unlock your intuition,
make tough decisions at work in 10 minutes or less,
and ELIMINATE the self-doubt.

Make decisions aligned with your authentic self.

In this series, you’ll learn:

  • The exact way to stop self-doubt and worry from derailing your intuition and reprogram your mind so you can TRUST what it is telling you 100% of the time.
  • The secret to release past failures where you overrode your intuition so you can confidently trust the signals for taking aligned action.
  • The TOP way to know when your intuition is speaking to you and also to be fully confident when it is NOT.

What’s included:

  • 4 modules with Nicole covering the essential elements for shattering the internal programs preventing you from trusting the connection to your authentic self.
  • ​Program modules
  • Workbooks
  • Replays

$3500 value

Yours for $250

Program Modules

Develop Your Internal COMPASS

Learn the proven system to access your innate guidance system and how to trust what you are tuning into  daily so you can confidently make clear decisions and feel successful every day.

Module 1 — Master Your Intuition and Become Emotionally Resilient

  • ​Learn how your intuition is directly connected to your own body so you can tune into it at any time for making decisions, from what you order for lunch to speaking up in a big work meeting.
  • ​Understand how to stay clear and grounded so you can stay focused on what you care about most, rather than getting distracted by what other people want from you or what they say.
  • ​Learn to BOUNCE BACK when you face unexpected setbacks like the end of a relationship or a family member getting sick so you don't quit and give up on your dream.

Module 2 — Clear Past Failures Stopping You from Moving Forward

  • ​Learn the difference in sensation in your body between reaction and response so you can understand when you are tuning into your intuition and when you are reacting from past experiences and failures.
  • ​Identify how past failures cause emotional reactions and instead learn to pause and create new, healthy responses.
  • ​Learn to dismantle old patterns and behaviors so you can release worry and fear that you will fail.

Module 3 —  Embody Emotional Resilience — Move Through Frustration and Disappointment with Grace

  • ​Understand the power of the Universe, and how to draw upon it so you can TRUST that the money and security will be here for your next steps.
  • Learn how to stop frustration and disappointment in their tracks so you can stay excited and focused on the big picture, instead of getting consumed in non-essential details.
  • ​Develop a deeper relationship and understanding of your intuition so you become more emotionally resilient when the unexpected arises, like an abrupt end to a relationship, a sick family member or random microaggression.

Module 4 —  Your Intuitive Blueprint

  • ​Develop an intuitive blueprint to apply your learnings moving forward.
  • Celebrate your growth and expansion and build an appreciation practice to maintain all you have learned
  • ​Learn to consistently appreciate your self and your life.

What others say about working with Nicole

"It's some of the best money I've spent in a long time."

Miranda Bryant was being laid off from her job when she joined the course, and she felt overwhelmed about what was next.
See how she recognized she could have a happy, FULFILLING life and know her next steps with clarity.

- Miranda Bryant, growth coach

"It was a life-changing impact."

Gemima Barlow was struggling with confidence, self-worth and anger management, in addition to feeling uncertain about next steps for her career.
Her husband immediately noticed a shift in her, observing she was calmer and less reactive. She gained a deep level of self-confidence and trust in herself to move forward.

- Gemima Barlow, regional director

"I was the walking person who hesitates. Now, I go with my heart."

Divya Krishnan was struggling with her marriage and juggling career and family life with the pandemic when she joined Your Clear Calling. It made her question her life and how she was leading it. Watch to find out how coaching made a major impact in her relationships.

- Divya Krishnan, Redfin

"Nicole really helped me see what my path is for myself."

When Alaura Corbin joined the course, she had already worked with a career coach and still didn’t have clarity about what was next for her. By the end of the course, she had FOUND her purpose and is on track to making it come true.

- Alauria Corbin, coach



When you sign up today, you also get access to the Start 2023 Clear + Confident Bundle.

Clear + Confident Bundle (value $600)

This series of masterclasses will support you to enter the summer with intention, connection and clarity. This bundle includes

  • The Design Your Spring Roadmap is a proven method for you to feel successful no matter how the year has gone and helps you to clear the blocks so you can complete the year powerfully.
  • The Transform Your Relationships with Work Boundaries to guarantee you set powerful boundaries from here on out.

Value $3500

Yours for $250


When does the program start and end?

The program is self-paced, so you are free to do it when it works for you. 

I struggle with taking action and making changes before things are perfect. Will this course help?

Join the crowd! If you have a dream in you and a desire to put it into the world, I can help! I can help you break out of perfectionism and worrying about what others think so you can transform into an aligned and empowered woman.

What can I expect once I enroll in the course?

Once you complete your order, you will receive a confirmation email and immediate access to all the modules, and bonuses!

I've never done an online course before — is Develop Your Internal Compass right for me?

If you know deep down that you are in the right place, then you are. You will learn tools that will support you to release pressure you feel from other people, and to show up in your life in a brand-new way you've never experienced before. You will find unparalleled support in the course to help build a deep level of trust with yourself.

You also will find a community that supports you to the next level, and who understand what it's like to feel lost and disconnected from your purpose, and who will make damn sure to let you know they see you and support you.

And this course is based on The Clear Calling Method, which is a proven framework that continues to smash expectations with the results, from people leaving corporate jobs to start new businesses and people who have bought dream homes!

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